I-500 Board of Directors


Chairman of the Board & Official Spokesperson

Ric Federau: safetytecric@gmail.com
Chairman of the Board: National-Regional Sponsorships / Public Relations, Promotions & Marketing


Dan Buhro: uscbpdan@gmail.com 
Co-Chair, Buildings & Grounds

Carri Bradley: carrib.66@gmail.com 
Co-Chair, Office & Apparel


Dave Thomas: dthomas.legends@sbcglobal.net
Local Sponsorships / Vendor Committee

Buildings & Grounds

John Babcock: juangrande6271@gmail.com

Merchandise Sales

Ray Bell: Bellraymond@msn.com 

Canadian Liasion & Food Services

Ryan Kostanowicz: ryankostanowicz@gmail.com

Safety, Security, Information Technology & Volunteers

Wes Jourden – Director of Safety, Security, Information Technology, and Volunteer Coordinator

If you would like to be a part of the 56th Running of the International 500 Snowmobile Race Week:

Please complete an application here

Board Meetings

The I-500 project directors meetings are normally hosted the third Thursday of each month,  March through November. 

Commencing in December of each year, the directors host meetings bi-weekly.  Commencing in January each year, the I-500 directors’ meetings are hosted every week on Thursday evenings.

I-500 Board of Directors meetings commence at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified.
The public is invited to attend.

All information is subject to change as needed.  Advance announcements regarding meeting changes will be published.

The general public is able to purchase general memberships which allows voting at the annual meeting from the annual meeting to the Friday before Race week. Bylaws are available here

I-500 Race Support

Bill Cryderman – I-500 Race Committee Director

Amanda Kemp – I-500 Charity Pageant Director

Bill Atkinson – Parking and Camping/Soo Salmon Derby

Matt Prieur – Voice of the International 500 Snowmobile Race 